Reusable Cone Coffee Filters

There are two types of cone coffee filters available that share the same brewing process.

Filter for pour-over coffee

One is shaped like a standard cone and is mainly used for pour-over coffee brewing. It is made of premium 304 stainless steel and is an easy-to-use drip coffee filter. It is of a double-layer filter design and an ultra-fine mesh to prevent coffee grounds from falling into the cup, ensuring that the coffee can be extracted slowly and evenly. It is a fairly portable product suitable for almost all kinds of cups, such as coffee cups, glass beakers, and coffee pots.

Filter for automatic coffee machine

The other one is a permanent filter specially used for automatic brewers. It also has a circular opening, without forming a tip at the other end, but a bottom surface is gradually tapered from both sides (the bottom diameter is not as big as that of the top opening). This reusable conical filter has ultra-fine mesh and brews richer-tasting coffee. It is a versatile filter and is compatible with many types of coffee machines.

reusable coffee filter cone

brass coffee filter

pour over coffee cone

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